Equestrian Rider: Level 4
Riders at Level 4 are starting to co-ordinate the use of independent aids (i.e. leg being used to support hand contact). The riders should sit naturally and quietly in the saddle. They can now establish a soft sensation with the horse’s mouth and can feel when the horse is responding softly to the bit (i.e. relaxing jaw, mouthing bit – the “wet mouth”). Riders can demonstrate bend. Riders are able to recognize an incorrect lead within a few steps and correct it without delay.
The riders will do an independent warm up with more than one rider in the arena at a time. Knowledge of arena rules is therefore required. Riders are expected to ride jumps at a height of 2 feet (.6m). Attire at this level should be as per lower levels except that riders are now encouraged to wear either breeches with tall boots, well fitted half chaps, or jodhpurs with short boots complete with garter straps and pant clips.
Rider 4 – Stable Management Requirements
Turnout for the stable management phase should be neat and workmanlike. Paddock boots, work boots, or riding boots and neat sweat pants or slush pants over breeches are acceptable. Loose, baggy jeans or shirts are not acceptable. Hair should be tied back. Ball caps that cover the eyes are discouraged.
Candidates will be expected to:
- Identify at least 6 different snaffle bits.
- Turn the horse out with the ears clipped as well as whiskers, bridle path and feathers on legs. Mane should be pulled to 4-5 inches (10-13cm) and “laid over”. All as applicable to the breed of the the horse.
- Demonstrate how to correctly measure a horse
- Demonstrate how to lay the mane correctly and discuss maintenance of the mane
- Identify four different leg markings on the horses available.
Rider 4 – Riding Requirements (Flat)
Riders will be required to demonstrate:.
- The ability to sit quietly and use aids independently.
- Correct position at walk, trot and canter.
- Use of independent aids at all paces.
- Confidently dropping and regaining stirrups at the canter
- Knowledge of size and bend on 15m circles at trot.
- Maintaining the canter and reaching the tangents on a 20m circle.
- An understanding of the correct preparation and application of clear, accurate aids when asking the horse to make a transition from trot to canter
- Cantering into the diagonal line, demonstrating a transition to trot for 3-5 steps and a transition back to canter onto the new lead while still on the diagonal line
- Accuracy and smoothness in the flat ride
Other skills
- Horse handling as for a breeding, line class. – Stand- lead the horse away from the “judge”- turn correctly- trot back towards the “judge” and stand the horse for inspection.
Rider 4 – Riding Requirements (Jumping)
Riders will be required to:
- Trot to a cross rail, 15-18’(4.5-5.5m), to a 2’(61cm) vertical. Trot approach to cross rail, then one canter stride to vertical. Maintain jumping position to the cross rail and upon landing.
- Demonstrate a short, medium and a long mane release.
- Demonstrate control on the approach and landing.
- Trot into the cross rail, canter to the second fence, count strides correctly.
- Canter a single fence.
- Ride straight and maintain a steady rhythm.
- Demonstrate confidence, safety and control
Course Features
- Lectures 38
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 12 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 1
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes