Equestrian Rider: Level 6
Riders at Level 6 will demonstrate the ability to ride forward from leg to hand. They will be able to ride the horse forward with impulsion while maintaining rhythm, regularity and evenness of pace. The contact demonstrated will not impede the horse’s desire to move forward and is beginning to create a “round” outline, particularly at the trot. Overuse of the hand and lack of leg will be penalized. The evaluator should give consideration to a candidate who is riding a horse as forward as the horse’s ability allows without excessive speed. Riders at Level 6 will complete a flat test and jump fences at a height of 2’6″ (0.75m) in addition to a flat test and a lunging phase. Written and practical portions also tested at this level. The option continues at Rider Level 6 to take either the full riding component or only the flat component.
Riders at Level 6 will demonstrate the ability to ride forward from leg to hand. They will be able to ride the horses forward with energy (impulsion) while maintaining rhythm, regularity and evenness of pace. The contact demonstrated must not impede the horses’ desire to move forward. The rider is beginning to create a “round” outline, particularly at trot. Overuse of the hand will be penalized. Riders should be able to maintain canter approaches on the jumping course, recognize the lead and execute changes of lead through trot in the recovery zone. Riders can hold a contact to the fence, release over the fence and regain contact after landing.
Horse turnout for Rider Level 6 must be as for a competition. Horse is to be braided (by the candidate) and must also be trimmed (i.e. ears, muzzle, fetlocks and bridle path) as applicable to the breed. In the case of a horse that is dangerous to clip, the candidate must realize that although they will not fail because it is not done, it will affect their turn out marks.
Rider turnout for Rider 6 is a well-fitted shirt with collar and sleeves. The shirt should be tucked neatly into breeches. Riders should wear a visible belt. Breeches and tall boots or jodhpurs with jodhpur boots and knee straps may be worn. Well-fitted half chaps are acceptable. Conservative traditional attire is expected however a hunt coat and riding shirt are not required.
Rider Level 6 will jump fences of 2’6”(80cm).
Disobedience of a horse i.e. refusal or run out, is not penalized, so long as the error and cause are identified by the rider and the rider is able to correct the disobedience. A fall of a rider and/or horse may or may not be penalized. If the fall is due to disobedience of the horse, a slip or a horse tripping, then it is not penalized. If the fall is due to rider error, either in judgment or lack of balance and/or position, then the evaluator may penalize the appropriate category.
Rider 6 – Stable Management requirements
Turnout for stable management should be neat and workmanlike. Paddock boots, work boots, or riding boots and neat sweat pants or slush pants over breeches are acceptable. Loose, baggy jeans or shirts are not acceptable. Hair should be tied back. Ball caps that cover the eyes are discouraged.
Candidates will be expected to demonstrate:
- The proper fit of equipment e. running martingales.
- The procedure for pulling a mane.
- Stall care and horse handling.
- Knowledge of bits, their effect and uses
- The fitting of boots.
Rider 6 – Riding Requirements (Flat)
- The candidate’s horse must be braided for this and all successive levels, as applicable to the Braids should be neat and uniform.
Riders will be required to demonstrate:
- Consistent bend, and pace (15m and 20m circles at canter). Care should be taken to avoid a marked increase in the speed of the horse after riding the circle and returning to the straight line
- Correct position with and without stirrups at all paces
- Simple changes through walk
- Correct shape and definite changes of bend in the The horse should be working forward and the rider should be able to recognize if some impulsion has been lost and be able to discuss this with the evaluator if required.
- Smoothness and accuracy in the execution of the transitions
- 1/4 turns on the haunches and ensure that they know there should be a “pivot” They should know the application of aids and recognize the more common errors of executing the movement.
- An understanding of the difference between bend and flexion.
Rider 6 – Riding Requirements (Jumping)
Riders will be required to:
- Build and set the stride of a gymnastic line
- Trot to a cross rail, 18’(5.5m) to a 2’3 (70cm) – 2’6”(80cm) oxer and 21’ (6.4m) to a 2’3”(70cm) – 2’6”(80cm) Distances may be adjusted to suit the length of the stride of the horses in the test. It is not mandatory that candidates bring animals with full 12’(3.6m) strides to the exam.
- Demonstrate correct position, control of the approach and recovery
- Trot a cross rail, 18’ (5.5m) to a 2’(60cm) – 2’3”(70cm) vertical without stirrups. Demonstrating stability of position and effectiveness. A mane release may be used.
- Jump a course of 2’6 (80cm) jumps. The course should be ridden at canter including canter approach to the first fence. Rider should be able to recognize leads soon enough to be able to change the lead through trot in the recovery phase and not have it run over into the approach phase for the next fence.
- Hold a contact to the fence, release over the fence and regain contact after landing.
- Be aware of the importance of the shape of the turn and the balance of the horse in the turns
Rider 6 – Riding Requirements (Flat)
Rider 6 – Gymnastic
Rider 6 – Flat Test
Number | Markers | Movement | Work Space |
1 | A | Enter sitting trot | |
2 | X | Halt. Continue at rising trot | |
3 | C | Track left | |
4 | A-C | 3 loop serpentine rising trot – sitting middle loop | |
5 | C | Canter left lead | |
6 | E | 15m circle left | |
7 | FXH | Change rein simple change through walk | |
8 | B | 15m circle right | |
9 | F | Walk | |
10 | A | Halt, cross stirrups and continue at the walk | |
11 | K | Trot rising | |
12 | E | 15m right circle sitting | |
13 | H | Trot rising | |
14 | MXK | Change rein | |
15 | F | Trot sitting | |
16 | B | 15m circle sitting left | |
17 | M | Trot rising | |
18 | H-B | Change rein | |
19 | F | Sitting trot | |
20 | A | Turn down center line | |
21 | X | Halt. Leave arena on long rein |
Course Features
- Lectures 17
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 19
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes