Riders at Level 2 will demonstrate more polish and knowledge than riders at Level 1 and will be more independent in both riding and stable management skills.
The contact with the horse’s mouth demonstrated by the rider is the same as in Level 1. Now however, the neck strap should not be used at trot and the rider should demonstrate a balanced position. A neck strap is permitted at the canter but should only be used periodically.
At this stage the riders must wear an ASTM approved helmet that is properly fitted, hard soled, heeled, ankle boot or higher and fitted, seamless pants. Half chaps are permissible. A well-fitted shirt with a collar tucked into the pants or breeches is recommended with a belt that is visible. Gloves are recommended at all levels. Hair must be either tucked into the helmet or kept tidy with a hair net. A single braid is acceptable if hair is very long.
Tack should be used as it is normally for the rider/horse combination. If a particular piece of equipment (bit, spurs, etc) is felt to be inappropriate by the evaluator then he/she will work with the candidate to educate him/her as to more appropriate options. Running and standing martingales are acceptable as are boots etc. so long as they are clean and properly fitted.
Horse need not be braided or clipped, but an effort should be made to make a good presentation. All equipment must be clean and neat.
The test will be conducted in a ride format. The test organizer may appoint a person, (possibly the regular instructor), to give the directions and control the safety of the group during the testing.
Rider 2 – Stable Management Requirements
- Turnout for the stable management phase should be neat and workman Paddock boots, work boots, or riding boots and neat sweat pants or slush pants over breeches are acceptable. Loose, baggy jeans or shirts are not acceptable. Hair should be tied back. Ball caps that cover the eyes are discouraged
- Identify basic face markings
- List the foods eaten by their horse as a part of their regular diet.
- Demonstrate the difference in the technique of using a body brush versus the dandy brush
- Know how often the farrier should visit the horse
- Be able to tie a quick release knot
- Know the reasons for cleaning tack and the method involved
- Tack up unassisted under the direction of the evaluator
Rider 2 – Riding Requirements (Flat)
Riders will be required to demonstrate:
- Riding without stirrups at the walk.
- How whip/crop should be held with hand centered on handgrip, and whip/crop resting on thigh
- Tack adjustments – girth and stirrups (unassisted).
- Position at walk with & without Hold whip correctly.
- An awareness of posting diagonals and how to change the diagonal.
- Correct position at trot rising and sitting with
- Transitions (progressive) at all paces (except canter).
- Knowledge of how to prepare for the canter transition and to achieve the canter. Knowledge of the canter lead is not required at this
- Briefly dropping stirrups at sitting trot, then walk to regain
- Preparation and accuracy between the Riders are not necessarily proficient at canter at this level.
- Turning across the ring away from ride; rider
- Riding 20m circles of the correct size (i.e. going to tangent points).
- Demonstrate jumping position (half seat) at trot
Rider 2 – Riding Requirements (Poles)
Riders will be required to demonstrate:
- Trot a course of poles to demonstrate the ability to control direction, approach and ability to ride to the end of the lines. Focus should be on direction and use of eyes to plan the turn for the next pole. The candidate is to execute the course in rising trot with correct use of diagonals as much as possible without losing the line
- Demonstrate riding ‘ahead’, ‘on’ and ‘behind’ the vertical
- Identify leads from the ground
- Recognize square halt by observing another horse
- Recognize when own mount is in an immobile halt
- Know ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ for ring position
Course Features
- Lectures 24
- Quizzes 6
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 86
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes